Sunday, February 27, 2011

Jake Gyllenhaal Looking a Bit Sleazy as He Invites You to Watch the Oscars Tonight

Jake Gyllenhaal, who is one smoking jacket away from being Hugh Hefner in the picture above, will be presenting an award tonight at the Oscars, something that no doubt every person reading this blog already knows. 

This year's Oscars are extra-exciting because they are aimed toward The Youth.  People who are young, in general, do not care about self-important, four-hour ceremonies where a snobby and exclusive set of "professionals" sit around congratulating themselves for convincingly acting like they are something they're not.  BUT, people who are young do like the James Franco and the Anne Hathaway, which is why they've been tagged as hosts this evening.

Your author, whose general feelings about the Academy Awards have been documented both in her book and in the paragraph preceding this one, is genuinely interested (for once) in watching this year to see if she is swayed by this blatant attempt to seduce her demographic.  Unfortunately, though, she's going to miss the entire thing because she has to catch a flight to Hogwarts this evening.

So she's going to leave you in the able hands of Jake.  And his award.  Which he will be presenting right after he attempts to lure you into your computer screen using only the power of his eyeballs...


Sasha,  February 27, 2011 at 12:21 PM  

Hey #justsaying ... geeez I really feel bad every time I remember you PG coz I don't come here so often anymore.
It's really just life you know o.O

S4M985,  February 27, 2011 at 12:34 PM  

Lets hope that someone uploads this to you tube asap!!!

Becky Heineke February 27, 2011 at 3:10 PM  

^^^ INDEED! I don't think I ever commented on the other thread about us not planning ahead (i.e., coming in earlier and room service)...what were we thinking?! :) Although (trying to think on the bright side) this way we'll be able to catch the highlights and can skip all the boring parts!

Sasha, don't feel bad!! Coming here (or my other blog) at all is awesome whenever you do it! :) I *totally* understand that life sometimes (oftentimes!) gets crazy. I appreciate that you remember me at all. :)

Anonymous,  February 27, 2011 at 6:01 PM  

i don't know what time the Academy Awards will start and i don't know what cable channel will air it live. time difference really sucks. i know that the Oscars will be on Sunday (feb 27) but i forgot that im living on different time zone. (crap -_-)

Vanessa March 2, 2011 at 8:15 PM  

Well, while PG & Sam are having the time of their lives enjoying the chocolate frogs & butterbeer at Hogwarts, (omigod, I am SO jealous!!!), I figure I will comment on the Oscars. I loved the winners, although James & Anne just didn't do as well as I expected as the hosts. I loved the recorded skits, & when James came on dressed as Marilyn Monroe. That was unreal, (just a little). Jake's presenting was unremarkable, & that's such a shame, he is so funny & probably could have done much better hosting with Anne. Not sure what the writers were thinking.

On another note, Jake may be cast in a new cop movie according to Variety:
David Ayer's next: Jake Gyllenhaal cop pic
Gyllenhaal continues on action-hero track with gritty cop drama

Exclusive: David Ayer is set to write and direct his latest cop drama "End of Watch," with Jake Gyllenhaal in early discussions to star.
Ayer and John Lesher will produce through Ayer's Crave Films and Lesher's Le Grisibi's Productions.

Plot details are vague; pic's being described as a gritty cop drama that follows the friendship between longtime partners. Ayer and Lesher are still putting the movie together and are out to financiers, so no production date has been set.

Ayer is no stranger to this genre, having already penned scripts to "Training Day," "S.W.A.T." and the Christian Bale vehicle "Harsh Times," which Ayer wrote and directed. He most recently directed Keanu Reeves in "Street Kings."

Gyllenhaal been making moves to beef up his action-hero status of late. He was recently seen in the Disney adventure "Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time" last summer and has Summit's sci-fi thriller "Source Code" coming this month.

And as Variety first reported, Gyllenhaal has been mentioned as a contender for the lead in "The Bourne Legacy," an extention of the franchise that will focus on a new assassin.

Ayer is repped by CAA and Gyllenhaal is repped by CAA and Management 360.

Anonymous,  March 3, 2011 at 5:39 AM  

^^^Thank you for the updates Vanessa. I totally agree with your comment about Anne & Franco's hosting (IMO, i think Franco's not into it. He looks like he's not interested most of the time). I was pissed of with our local channel's coverage on the Oscars because they've cut most of the good parts, especially the part where Jake and Amy present the Awards for short films. I was only able to see that online.

Anyway, up until now I'm still waiting for the movie theaters here in my country when they will put up the Source Code posters. And I'm browsing the video stores for the LoAD Bluerays. Hehehe.

Sam March 3, 2011 at 10:08 PM  

Thanks Vanessa!! Becky and I were only just talking about how we hope Jake signs up for a new movie soon!!! I'm sure Becky will want to recap on her blog but I will say she liked butterbeer much more than me, chocolate frogs were incredibly expensive (10 bucks a pop!) so needless to say we didn't have one of those but in summary hogwarts was amazing and u should all be totally jealous :p

Littleusagi, your stalking skills must be awesome because since Sunday we havnt been able to find an active link to watch Jakes presentation (unfortunately we were both on a plane!!) Would u be able to post it please?

Anonymous,  March 5, 2011 at 9:35 PM  

Sam, I've seen it on the video gallery of -- that's where I go every morning, or everytime I can use the net (aside from IMJ forum and here, don't forget the Facebook too!).

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