Jake Gyllenhaal: Still Kind of a Sexy Motherfucker
I've heard a rumor that there is some crazy new Jake Gyllenhaal movie coming out in a couple of weeks. This is very exciting since Jake hasn't been in a movie since Brokeback Mountain in 2005.
Oh yes, I've heard he "supposedly" was in Zodiac and Rendition in 2007 and Brothers in 2009, but I've seen the box office numbers. We're all adults here (or at least I hope we are if I'm going to be using language like this); you don't have to pretend you knew these movies existed.
Considering the time elapsed, it's pertinent that we reassess Jake's Sexy MoFo factor. Survey says?

Well done, Jake! Even after all this time, you're still the sexiest motherfucker I know.
TOTALLY agree.. ;)
He gets better and better with age. I look back at pics from the TDAT era and i mean he was good then... now he is REALLY good!
Sexiest Mother Fucker.. i like it. SMF anyone?
GQMF + SMF = the hottest man alive
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